The Spring Basset Blast was a great success again this year. We had over 250 attendees and 180 dogs all off leash running around the Staples building in Rochester, NY.

The day was packed with a few great vendors, games and activities for hounds and humans alike. The Slobber Shoppe was there in full effect and sold alot of great Basset items; including the new Basset Hound Sweatshirt made exclusively for ABC (if you haven't gotten yours yet you can find it here
We had almost 90 Chinese Auction baskets that were raffled off and a ton of silent auction items; which included lots of handmade basset/dog related items. All to benefit homeless Basset Hounds!!!

Our Money raffle ended the day of the Blast and all of our winners were chosen. Here are the winners...
Winners of our Sweepstakes Raffle:
Grand Prize Christina Newman $1,000
1ST Prize Peter Vinci $500
2ND Prize Phil Bronstein $200
3rdPrize Bernie Vincent $125
4thPrize Tammy Smith $75
5thPrize Marie & Tom Hegeman $50
5thPrize Marie & Tom Hegeman $50
We also gave out special benefits during the blast for our VIP members (Our VIP program is a monthly donation program). These benefits included early entry into the blast, a cookie reception, 2 for 1 raffle tickets for all raffles and free beverages for the entire event. We also had several attendees sign up for the VIP program during the Blast. Thank you to Elise Odea Geneseo, NY. Karen & Roger Meinzer, Lancaster, NY.Jeff & Lori Ross, Canandaigua, NY. Tom & Kandy Van Skiver, Rochester, NY. Annabelle & Julianne Guercio, Williamsville, NY. Lauren Barrows, Rochester, NY and our Foster Care Director Michele Lamare of Quaker St, NY. If you are interested in our monthly donation program you can find more information at
We had several ABC supporters raise funds via First Giving pages during the months leading up to the event. The top 5 donors this year were Shelly Gordon, Melinda Capers, John & Theresa Morrison, Sommer Slavin, & Lisa Lucas. They were given special recognition during the event for all of their hard work in fundraising.

Our royal court for this year was chosen from dozen's of applicants.
Our Duke: Comet
Our Dutchess: Phoebe
Our Prince: Teddy
Our Princess: Princess
Our King: Theo (aka Norman)
Our Queen: Holly
You can see some of the pictures from the event below. Thank you to John Elliott for taking all of these great photos for us!!
We would like to thank all of our amazing volunteers who helped to make the Spring Basset Blast happen this year...from planning to set-up to help during the event and to all who stayed for tear-down. If it wasn't for our volunteers we couldn't put any of this together and we couldn't continue to help all of the hounds that we do. Thank you so very much!!
We would also like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who attended this year's event!! Thank you for your continued support of ABC. We hope that you all had an amazing time. We hope to see you all next year back at The Dome!!!!!!